A brief history Ethiopia is the oldest independent country in Africa, one of the oldest in the world. 4th century – Coptic Christianity introduced from Egypt. Missionaries from Egypt and Syria reached Ethiopia in the fourth...
Category - Pre-Departure
I am tired, but I also get tired(?) or lazy at the thought of all I have to do with less than a month left for departure. While writing this post, I am also packing up my room in Ann Arbor. I have stayed here since January and...
I consider myself to be a strong individual at times, but I wasn’t ready for this, this sprouting experience, this new journey I will have with Peace Corps, but if this was last year….. May 2015 I graduated from the...
The plan has always been to join the Peace Corps. I knew in middle school that I wanted to travel. I don’t remember when, but somehow I began romanticizing the idea of traveling to a different country and volunteering for a...